
EMAS - ISPRA (ISPRA Italia website)

EMAS - Ministero Ambiente (environmental italian Ministery website)

EMAS - Unione Europea (EMAS EU website)


The EU Regulation 1221/2009 is the environmental certification of EXCELLENCE because it is a tool based on the facts (= environmental performance) and allows you to introduce yourself to your counterparts in a credible and not self-referenced!   Start your serious path of sustainability and applies EMAS in the company or in the City: for transparent management, efficient and sustainable for the Environment and the Economy.   It will be easier to deal with other important issues such as:

- Compliance with environmental law,

- Containment of operating costs (p.es .: energy consumption),

- Management responsibilities (also vs. italian organizational models 231),

- Designing products with higher environmental value (in key LCA and / or Carbon-Footprint)

- Credible communication to your stakeholders.

EMAS: the best for the environment and for those who live there!

Dr. Francesco Baldoni, accredited EMAS verifier, provides:

- Professionalism, competence and experience,

- Sinergy and partnership (in the contract, the audit, assistance in communications and external events)

- And a lot of enthusiasm at your service!

depliantdepliant [244 Kb]

Would you like to receive a quote?

1) download form for offer
2) fill out the required fields
3) when you receipt the offer, consider whether to join: you will  decide the start time of verification work  

modulo offertamodulo offerta [154 Kb]

Contacts and where we are

 Francesco Baldoni (biologist and PhD Industrial Chemistry)

EMAS VERIFIER accredited IT-V-0015 




Legal site: via del Fiume n.21; 61032 - Fano (PU) - Italia


OFFICE: via Cavour n.24; 61032 - Fano (PU) - Italia


TELEPHONE: cell.: +39 329.9559590   -    tel/fax: +39 0721.828489


MAIL:  info@baldoniemas.eu


PEC: francesco.baldoni@biologo.onb.it 


WEB:  www.baldoniemas.eu 


Skype: esalex2008 - baldomobil


Twitter: @InfoBaldoni


Linkedin: Francesco Baldoni 


FB: Francesco Baldoni